'Treasurer’s essay is an incoherent assortment of kumbaya capitalist thought bubbles', The Sydney Morning Herald, 31 January 2023
'Another Tuesday. Another rate rise. You should be ropeable', The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 December 2022
‘Sorry you listened’ isn’t good enough, Dr Lowe', The Australian Financial Review, 28 November 2022
'Lowe should watch Powell to learn how to restore credibility', The Australian Financial Review, 6 November 2022
'Chalmers delivers the weakest fiscal strategy of recent times', The Australian Financial Review, 26 October 2022
'Global recession looks likely. Even if Australia escapes it, we are in for a bad couple of years', The Conversation, 20 October 2022
'UK is Australia’s dark alternative future', The Australian Financial Review, 29 September 2022
'Redesign stage three tax cuts to better balance equity and efficiency', The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 September 2022
'Gabfest with no economic plan is easy to be cynical about', The Australian Financial Review, 2 September 2022
'Let’s talk about bold tax reform worthy of a new Accord', The Australian Financial Review, 17 August 2022
'Unions in time warp with a jobs plan that ignores hard economic lessons', The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 August 2022
'Treasurer was all talk, no action on inflation', The Australian Financial Review, 28 July 2022
'To achieve valid reform, we must know what works', The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 July 2022
'A hefty rise in interest rates would prove the RBA’s mettle', The Australian Financial Review, 4 July 2022
'No magic answers on falling wages', The Australian Financial Review, 28 June 2022
'Why Labor should leave bold reform for term two', The Australian Financial Review, 23 May 2022
'Super for housing or the government as a co-owner: how Liberal and Labor home-buyer schemes compare', The Conversation, 17 May 2022
'Super scheme won’t wreck the housing market, but won’t fix it either', The Age, 16 May 2022
'Key issue for voters: How Labor and Coalition compare on the economy', The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 May 2022
'Arbitrary tax cap means higher deficits', The Australian Financial Review, 26 April 2022
'Labor’s economics credibility problem', The Australian Financial Review, 12 April 2022
'Super tax breaks can end aged care crisis', The Australian Financial Review, 5 April 2022
'We need a stronger public service - but consultants have their place', The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 April 2022
What the Treasurer giveth, the governor shall taketh away, The Australian Financial Review, 29 March 2022
'We need to talk about the federal budget', The Australian Financial Review, 21 March 2022
'Defence spendathon must buy a genuine firepower boost', The Australian Financial Review, 7 March 2022
'Russian sanctions are biting harder than it could have imagined, and it’ll get worse', The Conversation, 3 March 2022
‘Just short of nuclear’: the latest financial sanctions will cripple Russia’s economy', The Conversation, 28 February 2022
'Index personal tax brackets to CPI to starve the spending beast', The Australian Financial Review, 21 February 2022
'We got lucky with Omicron, but next time could be a different story', The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 February 2022
'Our post-pandemic economy can be stronger than before', The Australian Financial Review, 1 February 2022
'Here’s how we get to COVID-boring', The Australian Financial Review, 24 January 2022
'Why lefties need to learn to love the GST', The Sydney Morning Herald, 19 January 2022
'Critics keep telling me to stay in my lane, but here’s why economists should weigh in on COVID', The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 January 2022
'Our COVID rear-vision isn’t pretty, but we can’t ignore the oncoming threat in our windscreen', The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 January 2022
'Santa should stuff rapid tests in all our stockings', The Australian Financial Review, 19 December 2021
'Plan exit from coal now, or face a chaotic and costly retreat', The Australian Financial Review, 13 December 2021
'Vaccination is a marathon not a sprint: Why Australia needs to drive booster uptake', The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 December 2021
'Labor delivers a liberal plan for climate action', The Australian Financial Review, 5 December 2021
'Deal with omicron uncertainty by preparing for the worst', The Australian Financial Review, 29 November 2021
'The net zero modelling that only the Nationals could love', The Australian Financial Review, 14 November 2021
'Morrison’s big plan for net zero has a black hole at its centre', The Australian Financial Review, 8 November 2021
'Vaccinating children is the final frontier in Australia’s COVID battle', The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 November 2021
'A prayer, not a plan, for net zero', The Australian Financial Review, 26 October 2021
'Perrottet has a chance to profoundly reshape NSW’s economy', The Australian Financial Review, 22 October 2021
'Libs, don’t let the Nats rob taxpayers with a $250 billion coal bailout', The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 October 2021
'A wider emissions safeguard can end the Liberals’ climate nightmare', The Australian Financial Review, 10 October 2021
'How we dodged a bullet by sinking the French submarines deal', The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 September 2021
'ALP takes the low road on JobKeeper', The Australian, 23 September 2021
'Vaccination rates may have peaked: what Scott Morrison does next is critical', The Sun-Herald, 12 September 2021
'Here’s a JobKeeper economics lesson for Joe Aston', The Australian Financial Review, 2 September 2021
'It’s time to consider booster jabs for healthcare workers', The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 September 2021
'We score an F for COVID-19 testing', The Australian Financial Review, 17 August 2021
'The medical regulatory complex has failed us', The Australian Financial Review, 10 August 2021
'The vaccine passport paradox: its design will determine its success or failure', The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 August 2021
'New government support is JobKeeper in all but name', The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 July 2021
'NSW needs JobKeeper-style support', The Australian Financial Review, 25 July 2021
'The end of lockdowns is near but it’s not here yet', The Australian Financial Review, 18 July 2021
'Support package for Sydney better and more fit for purpose than JobKeeper', The Conversation, 13 July 2021
'Intergenerational Report’s rosy crystal ball portends budget carnage', The Australian Financial Review, 29 June 2021
'Lockdown support payments are good but the path there was shambolic', The Guardian, 4 June 2021
'‘No jab, no franking credits’: Let’s get creative to get Australia vaccinated', The Sydney Morning Herald, 31 May 2021
'Why I love Josh Frydenberg’s budget in all its big-spending glory', The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 May 2021
'Budget triumph hides long-term problems', The Australian Financial Review, 11 May 2021
'Childcare should be about economics, not social engineering', The Australian Financial Review, 10 May 2021
'At last, a tax reform that sells itself', The Australian Financial Review, 26 April 2021
'$20 billion and counting: the economic hit from vaccination delays is a very big deal', The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 April 2021
'Paying for lack of vaccine insurance', The Australian Financial Review, 10 April 2021
'Keep pace with electric cars by rationally pricing the roads', The Australian Financial Review, 7 April 2021
'Our vaccine rollout is a disaster – here’s how to fix it', The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 April 2021
'To win the vaccine rollout race we must start sprinting', The Australian Financial Review, 25 March 2021
'Will Frydenberg’s legacy end with the pandemic?', The Australian Financial Review, 16 March 2021
'Vaccine complacency threatens to undo Australia’s hard work', The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 2021
'Australia is within its rights to stand up to Europe on vaccines', The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 March 2021
'Meagre dole increase plays into tired old culture wars', The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 February 2021
'First lift JobSeeker, then add on fully-funded unemployment insurance', The Conversation, 18 February 2021
'Replace open-ended dole with a time-limited JobMatcher scheme', The Australian Financial Review, 9 February 2021
'‘Whatever it takes’: Vaccine strategy needs urgent rethink', The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 February 2021
'How Australia can phase out coal power while maintaining energy security', The Conversation, 7 January 2021
'Australia suddenly isolated in the new global climate', The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 November 2020
'The budget does next to nothing for our greatest economic challenge', The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 October 2020
'It's not the size of the budget deficit that counts; it's how you use it', The Conversation, 7 October 2020
'The 5-prong plan for a budget that will set us up for the future', The Conversation, 2 October 2020
'Tax reform is the key to the jobs v debt debate', The Australian Financial Review, 1 October 2020
'Small businesses can drive the economic recovery — with our help', The Washington Post, 17 September 2020
'Bowing out gracefully: how they’ll wind down and better target JobKeeper', The Conversation, 21 July 2020
'Economic snap-back? Not so fast', The Conversation, 4 June 2020
'How to make JobKeeper work through a long recovery', The Australian Financial Review, 27 May 2020
'Scheme is flawed but JobKeeper promises need to be honoured', The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age, 17 May 2020
'How to tweak JobKeeper, if we must', The Conversation, 13 May 2020
'Even at $130 billion, JobKeeper package is a steal', The Age, 20 April 2020
'Open letter from 174 Australian economists: don’t sacrifice health for ‘the economy’, The Conversation, 20 April 2020
'JobKeeper is quick, dirty and effective: there was no time to make it perfect', The Conversation, 7 April 2020
‘Australia’s $130 billion JobKeeper payment: what the experts think’, The Conversation, 30 March 2020
‘How the recession we have to have can be sharp but short’, The Australian Financial Review, 25 March 2020
‘A recession is a public health necessity – let’s keep it short’, VoxEU, 21 March 2020
‘Any Stimulus Plan Must Help Small Businesses Who Help Their Employees’, The Dispatch, 19 March 2020
‘A Recession is a Public Health Necessity. Here’s How to Make it Short and Sharp’, The Bulwark, 14 March 2020
‘Company tax reform could be ScoMo’s GST’, The Australian Financial Review, 27 May 2019, p. 38
‘Election surprise. Negative gearing isn’t a rort — but something else is’, The Conversation, 16 May 2019
‘Shock. More investment isn’t necessarily better. Those instant asset write-offs are bad tax policy’, The Conversation, 16 May 2019
‘There’s nothing unfair about dividend imputation – it refunds tax that shouldn’t have been paid’, The Conversation, 8 May 2019
‘The budget’s dirty secret is the hikes in tax rates you’re not meant to know about’, The Conversation, 23 April 2019
‘A simpler tax system should spark joy. Sadly, the one in this budget doesn’t’, The Conversation, 15 April 2019