Steven Hamilton is an Assistant Professor of Economics at The George Washington University in Washington DC, a Visiting Fellow at the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the Australian National University, a Faculty Affiliate at the Institute for International Economic Policy at GWU, and a columnist at The Australian Financial Review. He has published academic research in the Journal of Public Economics and the National Tax Journal, and is author of the book, “Australia’s Pandemic Exceptionalism”, published by UNSW Press. Steven’s primary area of research is public and household finance, where he studies the effects of government policy on behavior. He has published opinion pieces in the Washington Post, The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, and The Age, among others, and has provided economic commentary to the New York Times, the LA Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Atlantic, Slate, The Hill, among others. Steven is the former Chief Economist at Blueprint Institute and a former policy analyst at the Australian Treasury. He holds a PhD and MA in economics from the University of Michigan, and a Bachelor of Economics with First Class Honours and Bachelor of Business Management from the University of Queensland.